How smokers are manipulated: • New film “Nicotine. Secrets of manipulation... Have you heard that smoking relieves stress? And that the human body supposedly produces nicotine itself? Or that potatoes also contain nicotine, and therefore smoking is not so harmful? These and other myths are discussed in the new video from Common Cause – 5 myths about smoking! Myth one: “smoking relieves stress.” This is the most common myth. And here is what it is based on. If a person starts smoking, nicotine, a narcotic substance that causes addiction, enters his body. And, like any other drug, nicotine causes “withdrawal,” or, scientifically speaking, “abstinence syndrome.” That is, about two hours after the last cigarette, the nicotine addict experiences anxiety and irritability. To get rid of these unpleasant sensations, he lights up again, gets another dose of nicotine and feels some relief. After about two hours, the withdrawal symptoms return and he experiences stress again. Thus, a cigarette does not relieve life stress, but only the stress caused by nicotine consumption itself. Myth two: nicotine is found in potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Some people try to justify their addiction by pointing out that nicotine is found not only in tobacco, but also in potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. These vegetables do contain nicotine, but their content is three million times less than in tobacco leaves. For example, to get the dose of nicotine found in one cigarette, you would need to eat 167 kilograms of tomatoes at once. Myth three: “nicotine is produced by the body.” Sometimes you can hear that nicotine is produced by the human body itself. This is another lie spread by tobacco corporations. In fact, nicotine is synthesized exclusively in the roots of certain plants, as a protective poison – a neurotoxin. According to the Great Russian Encyclopedia, only 150 milligrams of nicotine are lethal to humans. To claim that the human body produces poison to poison its own nervous system is very strange! Myth four: "nicotine is converted into nicotinic acid during combustion." Based only on the similarity of names, tobacco companies impose a myth that the poison nicotine contained in tobacco smoke is converted into useful nicotinic acid - vitamin B3 - during combustion. This is certainly not true, because high temperature alone is not enough for such a transformation. To convert nicotine into nicotinic acid, it must be oxidized with nitric or chromic acid. However, these acids are not found in cigarettes or in the human body, and this reaction is only possible in laboratory conditions. Myth five: "smoking protects against coronavirus." One of the recently created myths is that smoking supposedly protects against coronavirus. How did tobacco companies impose this myth? In April 2020, a group of French doctors published an absurd article claiming that smoking reduces the risk of contracting coronavirus. A week later, the article was retracted because it turned out that the data in it was false, and the authors of the article were associated with tobacco corporations. But tobacco companies continue to support this myth by manipulating statistics: it is known that mostly elderly people die from coronavirus, and the percentage of smokers among the elderly is significantly lower than among younger people. After all, as a rule, a smoker simply does not live to retirement age, or lives to retirement age, but can no longer smoke due to serious health problems. Income from cigarette sales in Russia alone is one trillion six hundred billion rubles a year. And those who make money on nicotine addiction find it very unprofitable for people to stop believing in the lies imposed on them. The following people worked on the video “Myths about smoking”: Screenplay: Igor Maslov, Aleksey Degtyarev Director: Aleksey Degtyarev Editor: Maria Degtyareva Artist: Ekaterina Belyakova Camera operators: Konstantin Shorin, Vladimir Sarin Support the YouTube channel Obshchee Delo and the Public Organization “Obshchee Delo”: podderzhi.obshchee-delo.rf Website of the Public Organization “Obshchee Delo”: obshchee-delo.rf Subscribe to our resources: / proektobsheedelo / proektod https://vk.com/obsheedelorf https://vk.com/dobrovolecod https://ok.ru/obsheedelo #smoking #sedition #documentary ✅For those who are ready to change their lives and the world around them, a list of films: ????????Four keys to YOUR VICTORIES • Film Four keys to your victories. D... ????????How do tobacco companies get kids into SMOKING? • Secrets of manipulation. Tobacco. Updated... ????????How teenagers get hooked on DRUGS • Drugs. SECRETS OF MANIPULATION! Drug... ????????How alcohol is made fashionable • Is it possible to drink alcohol? Secrets of manipul... ????????FIVE SECRETS of a real man • Five secrets of a real man. Film... ????????How do they control the masses through CINEMA? • Soul Catchers. Secrets of manipulation: Film... ????????Unique film LOST VIRTUE • Un