Capacity of 200-250 people, range of 8-9000 km. What will be the demand in the future? Will new types be born, or will old ones be redesigned? Where are the manufacturers moving, while airlines are saying goodbye to the giants one by one. Will there be a Boeing 797, and if so, what could the company's new model be like? Market, types, needs, billions of dollars, suspended and restarted programs. Boeing's possible new type was already taking shape around 2015-16. The company has long been planning an aircraft that can fill the gap between the largest version of the Boeing 737 and the smallest version of the 787. This is necessary because the 757 pencil planes and the wide-body 767 are aging. And what are Airbus, Russia and China thinking? We also talked about this with György Kovácsházi. (Editor: Balázs Kránitz) Follow György Kovácsházi's channel! / gyuc If you would like to support Aeropark: Donate by transfer: 10101360-03379200-01003004 Légikőzlekedési Kulturális Központ Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Please write the following in the comment section: donation) More information here: www.aeropark.hu Music: Zoltán Nádas - Actionman Music from YouTube Audio Library [Aka YAL] Music provided by RFM: • Video Machinimasound: / machinimasound / machinim... Music from Soundcloud Music provided by RFM: • Video