Title: MOTHER2 Giygas Strikes Back Genre: RPG Release Date: August 27, 1994 Compatible Systems: Super Famicom (SFC) Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Ape, HAL Laboratory About the Game Onett is a local city in Eagleland. A boy lives with his family in a house on the northern outskirts of the city. Next door to the boy's house is a boy of the same age, Porky Minch, and his family. One night, a meteorite falls on the mountain behind the boy's house. Late at night, Porky appears at the boy's house and asks the boy to search for his younger brother, Picky, who went to see the meteorite and went missing. The boy heads to the mountain behind the house with Porky and finds Picky at the point where the meteorite fell. When the group is about to return home, a beetle-like creature suddenly jumps out of the meteorite. The creature calls itself "Bunboon" and says that it is from 10 years in the future. According to Boom Boom, the future world is in a dire situation due to the invasion of the alien "Gyg" who is plotting to conquer the Earth. Boom Boom appeals to the boy that the boy is the one who will save the Earth from this crisis, and entrusts the fate of the Earth to the boy. On the way home, they are attacked by an assassin from the future, "Starman's son", but they fight him off and safely arrive at Porky's house. Porky and Picky end up being punished by their father for going out at night, but in the middle of that, Boom Boom, who was flying around the house, catches the eye of Porky's mother, who knocks him down in the next moment. In his daze, Boom Boom tells the boy the path he should take and the mission he should fulfill, and dies. The next morning, the boy says goodbye to his family and sets off on an adventure for the future of the Earth. This is the second game in the MOTHER series, released in 1994, about five years after the release of the previous game, "MOTHER". It was made for the Super Famicom. Copywriter Shigesato Itoi was in charge of the game design and scenario, as with the previous game. The catchphrase is "For adults, children, and ladies." It depicts three boys and one girl adventuring around a vast world to stop the alien "Giegue" from conquering the Earth. Although the title is "2," the story scenario is unrelated to the previous game, and Shogo Toda likens the previous game to a "European film" and calls this "a Hollywood remake of the previous game." Takuya Kimura was used for advertising. The TV commercial showed Kimura interacting with kindergarten children in a cafe, without touching on the game's contents at all. On September 30, 1997, the game went on sale as one of the games for the game rewrite service "Nintendo Power." Furthermore, on June 20, 2003, "MOTHER 1+2," which included this game as well as the previous "MOTHER," was released for the Game Boy Advance.