Reference books: Why are we liars, overconfident, and good-natured? The surprising strategies of humanity explained through evolutionary psychology https://amzn.to/4fshKPe Homo sapiens, viewed from the perspective of evolutionary psychology Values that have not changed in 10,000 years https://amzn.to/3Z9naZK Humans evolved through emotions https://amzn.to/3YRSYB1 ↓I published a book: "Scary Science Encyclopedia That They Don't Teach You in School" https://amzn.to/48ft4v4 ↓Twitter / rui_science ↓Channel membership / @ruiscience BGM [Touhou] Tomboy Love Girl [Original Arrangement] Heartwarming Waltz [Recorder] Kuzuki Town Nico Nico Commons https://commons.nicovideo.jp/