Good afternoon... It's time for a brand new Sloep and Tender sailing video. And in this video it can go either way, because it's a sailing video. For those who know us a little, we're not really into planning. We start with plan A and end at Y. (No, not the IJ) We're going to Amsterdam and Zaandijk in any case. But what then? Haarlem? That was the plan. Let's see if it worked..... Do you have any tips for a next two- or three-day route for us? (And then depart from the Braassem area) Write your tips below. Who knows, we might follow that route next time. (We just hope to be able to prepare ourselves a little better) Have a nice weekend everyone! Mario and Yoney Verschuur Watersport www.verschuurwatersport.nl #Sloops #Tenders #VerschuurWatersport #Sailing #SloopSailing #TenderSailing #WatersportNL #DutchWatersport #Boattrip #SloopLove #TenderLove #SailingInStyle #DutchWaters #Wateradventure #WaterExperience #Boatfanatics #WatersportHoliday #SailingFun #SloopTravel #TenderSailing #SailingWithFriends #FamilySailing #BoatLove #Sloops #Tenders #VerschuurWatersport #Sailing #PrimeurSloops #CorsivaSloops #StoutSloops #Tripleboats #VanVossenSloops #WaterspoorSloops If there is anything else you could add, you could add the following: #SloopSailing #TenderSailing #WatersportNL #DutchWatersport #Boattrip #SloopLove #TenderLove #SailingInStyle #DutchWaters #WaterAdventure #WaterExperience #BoatingEnthusiasts #WatersportHoliday #SailingFun #SloopTravel #TenderSailing #SailingWithFriends #FamilySailing #BoatLove #PrimeurSailing #CorsivaSailing #StoutSailing #TripleboatsSailing #VanVossenSailing #WaterspoorSailing