Sleep and the Realm of Barzakh Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz. Audio Book (Marifetname) #marifetname #erzurumluibrahimhakkıhz #audiobook #sleep #berzahalemi * Dear Followers, We continue to share with you the ancient work of Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz. Marifetname. Today's topic of Marifetname is Sleep and the Realm of Barzakh, a passage from the work of İbrahim Hakkı Hz. written in this vein is as follows: Oh brother! You are only composed of that thought, that soul; the rest of your existence is composed of bones and skin. A person dies as follows: When an illness comes to the sick person's body for some reason and gradually separates his natural self from his body, making his animal self weak and miserable, that illness settles and stays with him. The sick person then acts as if he has found health, opens his eyes and looks around with a pleasant look. So much so that he and most of those around him think he has found health. However, that disease has settled in the place of the patient's nature and has completely finished its work by overcoming his animal spirit. This state is considered the last remnant of life (the last ramak-ı ahir) and his spirit has flashed (one last) light to fade away. In this last healthy time of the patient, an image emerges from him and reminds him of the troubles and difficulties he has suffered. In this state of imagination, no matter how much he pulls himself to the scale of strength, he cannot find the strength to reach his natural side and his normal temperament. Because in this imagery, he finds himself far from strength. Thereupon, he makes an effort and takes action again. It is possible that in this action he desires food. He is once again occupied with another image and goes to more images each time. All of these images are only for the purpose of finding his real power in his own body. However, it is now impossible for him to find it. Because in that state, he is a collection of images other than his body. In this state, the person who is ready for death makes another movement within this abundance of images and it happens that with this movement he gets up and leaves. * Join this channel to benefit from privileges: / @antikkutuphanetasavvuf