Become a sponsor — / @wanderbraun-ageofempires Support the channel — https://boosty.to/wanderbraun Age of Empires 2 is a cool old-school strategy with a huge history. At the moment, it shares the title of the most popular strategy with Starcraft 2. In 2019, a re-release of AoE 2 - Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition was released on PC, and in 2020, the game feels more than great! The Slavs are one of the strongest nations in the game. I decided to make a review of the nation and at the same time an Age of Empires 2 guide! My main channel is / wanderbraun My social networks: Twitch — / wanderbraun Discord — https://discordapp.com/invite/CvukNjV VK — https://www.vk.com/wanderstrasse Telegram — https://www.t.me/wanderstrasse Twitter — / wanderbraun Instagram — / wanderbraun #AgeofEmpires2 #wanderbraun #вандербарун