The unexpected air battle over Kursk changed the course of history. Pilot Denis, known as 'Baran', showed extraordinary courage and skill. Watch this extraordinary story of determination and piloting during this unforgettable fight! #airbattle #heroicpilot #kurskhistory ------------------------------------------------------------- Important note: In this video, we do not provide detailed information about the names of weapons or characters for the following reasons: Information protection: Keeping details about weapons and the identities of people confidential is to ensure their safety and to avoid revealing sensitive military information. Symbolic nature of the story: The story focuses on fighting spirit, courage and human values, rather than on specific technical details. This makes it more universal and easier to understand. Avoiding controversy: The lack of references to technical details or specific characters helps to maintain neutrality and prevent misinterpretations. We hope that the story will inspire and provide a new perspective on the war experience. Thank you for your support and watching!