#skoda#TUVSUDDExpert #Superb We examined the Skoda Superb as part of the Car Value Index project. Should a second-hand Skoda Superb be bought? What are its pros, cons, chronic problems? How many points did it get from the Car Value Index? How is the second-hand market? What should I consider when buying a second-hand Superb? Google Play: Car Value Index Apple App Store: Car Value Index web: https://www.arabadegerendeksi.com TÜV SÜD D-Expert: https://www.d-expert.com.trYou can send all your questions about cars to Mesut Abi only from http://www.mesutabi.com/destek. You can send all your questions about cars to Mesut Abi only from http://www.mesutabi.com/destek. You can send all your questions about cars to Mesut Abi only from http://www.mesutabi.com/destek. If you want more people to know, share this video. Press the like button if you liked it. If you are not a subscriber, join us. If you are a subscriber, don't forget to turn on notifications. http://www.mesutabi.com / otomobilinmesutabisi / otomesutabi Instagram: otomobilinmesutabisi