Visit our website: https://www.bbvaaprendemosjuntos.com/es Subscribe to our YouTube channel: / @aprendemosjuntos Follow us on Facebook: http://fb.com/aprendemosjuntosBBVA Follow us on Twitter: / aprenderjuntos_ Listen to our podcasts on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/07rXxtO... Journalist and teacher at Palo Alto High School (California, USA) for more than 30 years, Esther Wojcicki is considered a world pioneer in the study of media literacy applied to education. Since 1984, she has directed the most important media education program in the United States. Along with creativity, critical thinking and collaboration, Wojcicki claims the importance of communication as one of the main skills that should be taught in schools to achieve more meaningful learning in the 21st century. Wojcicki is also a reference in the exploration of the relationship between education and technology. She is currently vice president of the global licensing organization Creative Commons and president of the Friends of Lurdes Mutola Foundation for the promotion of girls' education in Mozambique. In addition, and among other positions, she is a consultant for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and collaborates with different media outlets such as TIME magazine. A pioneer in the exploration of the relationship between education and technology, Wojcicki points out that “We need to learn to learn online,” for whom student freedom, responsibility and critical thinking are the keys to the future. #Let'sLearnTogether