The sixth episode of the Skeptic podcast features two controversial and eventful guests from Iranians living in Canada: Nasser Polly and Susan Velayat. These two are political activists who cause a lot of trouble for people who think they are mercenaries of the Islamic Republic system and are very active in this field. Skeptic Wise's wise and very funny conversation with these two individuals became so tense at times that Mr. Nasser Polly left the conversation for a few minutes! This informative conversation shows that many people who call themselves political activists have many problems in understanding the basic principles and foundations of politics, and this can be very sad while making you laugh! However, we appreciate the presence of Mr. Nasser Polly and Ms. Susan Velayat and their courage. What do you think of Skeptic Wise's conversation with these two political activists? I became a guest of Skeptic, and lactic acid was released! Follow Skeptic on social media to stay up to date with the latest videos and news: Instagram: Instagram.com/SkepticTyson Telegram: T.me/SkepticTyson X or Twitter: https://x.com/persianskeptic TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skepticwise?_... Discord: / discord Podbean: https://skeptictyson.podbean.com/ Website: https://skepticwise.com/ Contact me: If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact my writer via the following email: t.me/whisperskeptic #podcast #skeptic #skeptic_wise #podcast #skeptic #scientific #conversation #politics #IslamicRepublic #political #Iran #IslamicRepublic #Islam #opposition #Khamenei #government #political_activist #NaserPouli #NaserPouli