Anders Westermark is currently investment manager at Nornan Invest, but he has a long history within, among other things, the newspaper world in Skellefteå. His opinion on what is now happening with the battery manufacturer Northvolt, where, among other things, 1,600 people have recently been notified of layoffs, is clear. "It is a bump in the development curve that this is happening. But I think it is incredibly important not to let go of the long-term perspective" Westermark has great confidence in the management at Northvolt, but he is not uncritical. "You got some kind of hubris and have moved forward too quickly" If the current owners are unable to continue running Northvolt, Westermark is convinced that other owners will step in. What worries him is that the major owner, Volkswagen, is in its own crisis. Something that bothers the old media manager is how the media covers Northvolt. There is too much drivel journalism, he says. Another thing that bothers Westermark is the criticism that Northvolt receives from national economists who are connected to businessmen such as Rune Andersson, Christer Gardell and Carl Bennet. Reporter: Anders Frick ______________________________ Do you like the video? Subscribe to EFN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/efnekonomikan... Please visit http://www.efn.se for more of our content. X: https://x.com/efntv Facebook: / efnekonomikanalen Instagram: / efnekonomikanalen Linkedin: / efn Tiktok: / efn_ekonomikanalen