Practical and quick sizing of grease traps. In this video, I will explain about sizing grease traps, where you will learn how to size grease traps in minutes and, as a bonus, I will give you a super bonus in the link below. In a few minutes, you will be able to size your grease traps and master it. If you liked the video, leave your like and help me continue sharing technical engineering knowledge. Visit our blog about grease traps: https://projetistapleno.com/2022/06/2... Share this video: • Video ========== Bonus I am sharing two files with my colleagues, being: 1- A summary of this video where, with just one page, you will be able to remember this entire class. 2- The ready-made details of the grease trap, just for you to copy and paste into your projects. Link: http://www.educacional.projetandoinst... ========== Also watch the video where I clarify some concepts of grease traps a little more: • Operation and types of grease traps... ========== So whoever can help me, share the idea, subscribe to the channel and leave your comments. On Instagram I already share knowledge daily, check it out there too, it has a lot of valuable information / salatielkerne ========== #grease trap #tigergrease trap #sewage trap #how to make a grease trap #how to install a grease trap #clogged grease trap #grease trap cleaning #grease trap #how to make a concrete grease trap #how to install a tiger grease trap #grease trap #grease traps #clean grease trap #easy grease trap #tiger grease trap #sewage trap #inspection box