Let's talk about several important mistakes that novice rabbit breeders make. This is an incorrect understanding of the tasks that are initially set for themselves. Ignoring vaccinations and several factors in buying rabbits, building a rabbitry, keeping rabbits. Website: http://eurokrol.ru/ ♔Subscribe to the channel: https://goo.gl/1Rggma ⛳VK group https://vk.com/eurokrol INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/eurokrol/?h... ..................................................... I recommend to travelers: ???? International SIM Card DrimSim ► https://drimsim.app.link/kbkc74PNqS Bonus 7 Euro on the SIM card balance. ???? Book hotels on Booking ► https://goo.gl/i4MM6K ???? Best prices for Airbnb accommodation ► https://goo.gl/AsfYQv #BeginnerRabbitBreeders #RabbitBreedersMistakes #BuyingRabbits #HowToBuyRabbits #VaccinationRabbits #CaringForRabbits #WhatRabbitsShouldNotDo #FeedingRabbits #KeepingRabbits #CagesForRabbits #BreedingRabbits #RabbitsFromEurope #MeatRabbits #EuroRabbit #Eurokrol #LPhSailor #RabbitsBusiness #Farm #StartRabbitBreeding #BuildARabbitHutch #VentilationForRabbits #MicroclimateInARabbitHutch #RabbitBreedingForBeginners