Pindurão Farm in the city of Monteiro-PB Measuring 44 hectares! Farm in the rural area of Monteiro, ideal for raising goats and sheep but with the right investment it can also cater to cattle raising! It has already had 50% of its pasture area formed but part of it has become scrubland but 50% has already been deforested and the rest is native forest! A property with the ideal size for those who want to start in agribusiness or want to do an organized project with less investment. It has a certain infrastructure of corral and stalls for goats and sheep or pigs, small house, warehouse, all fenced and with several internal divisions on average about 10 fences! It has an artesian well with a flow of 3,000lt/h, medium water reservoir! All regular documentation ready to be transferred! It is 11km from Monteiro on the Barro road! It is 180km from Campina Grande-PB. It is 298km from João Pessoa-PB. 325 km from Recife-PE. Value R$ 299,000.00. Allison Pereira, real estate agent, Creci-6267-F, specialist in rural properties, O corretor do Mato, Tel83 9.99693346 Map location: https://goo.gl/maps/FkLhcNhZHbeiZhCe8 #agrobr #bahia #boi #boigordo #boias #brasilrural #campinagrande #gado #nordeste