???? Join the next class of my course, Soltar a Voz. To receive information about when there will be a new class, visit: https://comocantar.com.br/videos-yout... In this first video I talk about the importance of doing 6 morning exercises before starting to speak and/or sing right after waking up. Our body retains fluid when we are sleeping, which is why we wake up swollen, including our vocal folds. For this reason, doing these relaxation exercises right after waking up is very important, especially for singers. This singing class showing the morning exercises can also be done throughout the day to relax your muscles in the neck and shoulders. These are very important exercises to keep a singer's voice always healthy and able to produce sound. To learn more, visit channels: WEBSITE: https.//www.glauciaquites.com.br FACEBOOK: / soltaravoz YOUTUBE: / glauciaquites SNAPCHAT: glaucia quites INSTAGRAM: soltaravoz