Sing Kinderlieder Maxi-Mix 4 - Fox, you stole the goose, Ten little fidgeting men, Aram sam sam and many more hits from our second album! ► Spotify: https://bit.ly/SingKinderlieder-SPOTIFY ► Channel subscription: http://goo.gl/xq3pBr ► Web: https://www.singkinderlieder.de Now you can watch the best videos from our channel in a 24-minute maxi-mix. Have fun singing along! ♫ ► Subscribe to our channel! Click here: http://goo.gl/xq3pBr Sing Kinderlieder (www.singkinderlieder.de) - beautiful songs for young and old to sing along to! Songs 01. Head and shoulders, knees and feet 02. I love spring 03. Fox, you stole the goose 04. Now the jumping jack is rising 05. Hop, hop, hop 06. In my little apple 07. Early in the morning at six o'clock 08. Something's happening on our meadow 09. Ten little fidgeting men 10. Aram sam sam Subscribe to our channel to see the latest songs: http://goo.gl/xq3pBr Check out our pages on Facebook and Google+: Facebook: / singkinderlieder Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SingKinderli...