In this thrilling episode of Misterios con Alma, paranormal investigators Alma Coronel and James Coronel delve into the mysteries of Jomulquillo, Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico. Join us as we interview Mariana Barrios, a resident of this enigmatic community, who shares a chilling experience she had as a child. Mariana recounts how, in the middle of the night, a female figure dressed in white woke her up. Unable to resist, she followed this presence through the town, feeling a mix of fear and fascination. As they walked, Mariana had the feeling that the woman was trying to take her out of the town, leading her to an unknown destination. Who was this mysterious woman? What intentions did she have? Why did she choose Mariana? Discover the details of this disturbing experience and the possible explanations behind this paranormal phenomenon.