Unique and rarely found culinary in the city, corn rice. Here please be patient because the queue is long and the sellers are elderly. Providing a simple menu typical of the village, tofu chili, corn rice and various fried foods. For a special taste because it is processed with firewood, you won't regret it if you have tasted it here, with the note that you should queue patiently @bulejowoofficial This culinary is recommended by @bulejowoofficial Also watch other videos at the link below @bulejowoofficial 💣 ALMOST FRUSTRATED THANKS TO PATIENCE BUYING A CAR AND A HOUSE • THIS MOTHER ALMOST FRUSTRATED, IT WAS NOT IN VAIN B... 💣 IT WAS NOT IN VAIN AT HALF 3 AM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST COOKING BY YOURSELF THE STALL IS ALWAYS BUSY • IT WAS NOT IN VAIN AT HALF 3 AM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE... 💣 JUST OPENED AND ALREADY QUEUED TO BECOME A CUSTOMER OF THE PRESINENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA • JUST OPENED AND ALREADY QUEUED TO BECOME A CUSTOMER... 💣EDIAN EVEN THOUGH INSIDE THE MARKET FENCE THOSE WHO BUY ARE GANGING UP • CRAZY!! EVEN THOUGH INSIDE THE MARKET FENCE, ... Thank you for those who always faithfully watch my videos. And for those who have just found this channel, I say welcome, don't forget to subscribe and press the bell button so you don't miss my latest videos. Because your subscription is my passion to help UMKM entrepreneurs to grow even more. And for those of you who have subscribed, I pray that your fortune will be smooth, given health, and success in this world and the hereafter. Aamiin 🔘GREETINGS KUENTUL KENTUL KULINER INDONESIA #warung #food stall #bulejowoofficial #culinary #culinaryrrembang #culinarycepu #culinaryblora #culinarybojonegoro #culinarylamongan #culinarygresik #culinaryidoarjo #culinarysurabaya #culinarysuroboyo #culinaryjawatimur #culinaryjombang #culinarykediri #culinarynganjuk #culinaryrmagetan #culinaryngawi #culinarymojokerto #culinaryrma lang#culinaryblitar#culinaryjember#culinarymediun#culinaryrmadiun#culinaryrmadura#culinarybanyuwangi#culinaryrbali#culinaryponorogo#culinarybatu#culinaryseragen#culinarykaranganyar#culinarygemolong#culinaryrtulungagung#culinarypacitan#culinarykudus#culinaryjepara#culinarydemak#culinarysemarang#culinaryjateng#culinaryjaw atengah#culinarysalatiga#culinaryboyolali#culinarysolo#culinaryklaten#culinaryjogja#culinarygunungkidul#culinaryrmagelang#culinarypurworejo#culinarykebumen#culinaryrcilacap#culinarypurwokerto#culinarytegal#culinarypemalang#culinarybrebes#culinarycirebon#culinaryjakarta#culinaryrbetawi#culinarybekasi#culinarysumatra#k ulinerlampung # culinary bandung # culinary jawabarat # culinary garut # culinary tasik # culinary viral # culinary hit # culinary java # culinary java # culinary hunting # hobby eating # indonesia culinary # culinary indonesia # culinary tradition # culinary nusantara # culinary padang # culinary pariaman # culinary jambi # culinary medan # culinary rriau # food vlogger