I wanted to show you a simple and cheap way to thermally insulate doors and windows, so that cold and hot air from outside does not penetrate into your home. I also wanted to show you some simple tricks for insulating the water meter, which can cause problems in winter. Links to tools and materials that may be useful to you. -SQUARE WATER METER KEY: https://www.amazon.es/Wolfpack-301061... -HOT SILICONE GUN + SILICONE BARS: https://www.amazon.es/Dweyka-Pegament... -POLYSPAN SHEETS 100 x 50 x 2 cm: https://www.bricomart.es/poliestireno... -EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE SHEETS: https://www.bricomart.es/poliestireno... -PVC BEADS: https://www.leroymerlin.es/fp/1972745... METHACRYLATE SHEETS: https://www.leroymerlin.es/fp/8190254... -WEATHER STRAP TAPE IN ROLL: https://www.amazon.es/Burletes-Aislan... FIXED WEATHER STRAP: https://www.leroymerlin.es/fp/1111712... I hope some of these ideas are useful to you. Thank you very much. Best regards.