There was a need to make an electronic load, I found an excellent circuit and printed circuit board. It will not be difficult to make it yourself even for a novice radio amateur. Link to the author's video, there is a diagram and a printed circuit board • Simple and affordable electronic load... Register in Backit http://got.by/5iazqj Register in ePN http://got.by/5ib05b Cashback service EPN http://got.by/5fq3t0 Soldering station on HAKKO T12 tips http://ali.pub/5c4udl I bought an oscilloscope here, the best price http://ali.pub/5c3vqt Mini DSO PRO, P6100 oscilloscope http://ali.pub/5c4swb Volt-ammeter - http://ali.pub/5c3x04 Cool multimeter http://ali.pub/5c3z4j Soldering mat http://ali.pub/5c43ql Hard drive 128 GB 256 GB 360 GB 480 GB ssd http://ali.pub/5c4sme Kllisre DDR3 DDR4 4GB 8GB 16GB 1866 1600 2400 2666 http://ali.pub/5g2ig0 AMD Ryzen 5 1600X R5 1600X Processor http://ali.pub/5g2ix4 AOMEKIE 20X Stereo Microscope http://ali.pub/5c4u58 TP4056 Charging Module http://ali.pub/5c4rjb NPN Transistor MJE13009 http://ali.pub/5c4rvk TL494CN PWM http://ali.pub/5c4sgy Magnetic Micro USB Cable http://ali.pub/5c4sst WH148 Plastic Pen http://ali.pub/5c4t2q AVR USB Programmer http://ali.pub/5c4w29 LM317T L7805 L7806 L7808 L7809 L7810 L7812 L7815 L7818 L7824 http://ali.pub/5g2j4b LM2596 Power Module http://ali.pub/5fq3c3 3S/4S 20 40A 60A 18650 BMS Protection Board http://ali.pub/5c4wh8