Simon Will on TikTok fame, pranks & Brainpain takeover - Brainpain #115 In today's episode, Simon Will is our guest and has come to replace Florian Heider as one half of Brainpain. We also talk to him about TikTok and what it's like to become famous there. What things YouTubers do on purpose to get noticed and what it was like with his huge pranks. _______________________________________ Our thanks go to Telekom, who are the sponsor of today's episode. Find out more at www.telekom.de/heimvernetzung or www.smarthome.de _______________________________________ Listen to Brainpain on all podcast apps: 🎙️ https://lnkfi.re/Brainpain _______________________________________ Simon Will on his channel: 📺YouTube: / simonwill _______________________________________ All of Florian Heider's channels @Der Heider 📺Main channel: / derheider 📺2. Channel: / heidergeil 🖥️Twitch: / heidergeil ✍️Twitter: / heiderflorian 🖼️Instagram: / heidergram _______________________________________ All channels from Timon aka @Klengan 📺Main channel: / klengan 📺2. Channel: / klengansminecraftpalace 🖥️Twitch: / klengan ✍️Twitter: / klengantv 🖼️Instagram: / klengantv