On the 15th, Osawa Takao and Tamaki Hiroshi appeared at the Amazon Original drama "Silent Service Season 1: The Battle of Tokyo Bay" preview event for episodes 7 and 8, held in Tokyo. Osawa Takao plays the protagonist Kaieda Shiro, who hijacks the cutting-edge nuclear submarine Seabat and starts a national rebellion. Tamaki Hiroshi plays the "other protagonist" and "rival", Captain of the submarine Tatsunami, Fukamachi Hiroshi. #OsawaTakao #TamakiHiroshi #SilentService • [Silent Service] Osawa Takao blushes at compliments from Tamaki Hiroshi, with whom he co-stars for the fourth time • [Silent Service] Fukamachi and Tamaki Hiroshi reveal their favorite angles of Kaieda and Osawa Takao