A journey to discover the protagonists of psychology #psychology #podcast #passionpsychology #freud In the spring of 1914, the myth of Narcissus accompanies the thoughts of Sigmund Freud who, after the break with Jung, is increasingly determined to strengthen the theoretical framework of psychic functioning. In this episode we will discuss narcissism and some interesting implications in the theory of drives built by Freud. We will discover that for Freud narcissism is not just a psychopathological condition but something much more pervasive. We will be alongside Freud during the difficult years of the First World War when, between 1914 and 1920, he will implement a profound revision of the entire theoretical construction developed up to that point. We will delve into what Freud wrote in the essay published in 1920, significantly entitled "Beyond the pleasure principle". A writing in which he describes the implacable mechanism of repetition compulsion and where psychic functioning is no longer determined only by Eros but is characterized by a conflict between the life drive, Eros, and the death drive, Thanatos. Dr. Alessandro Mazzoli - Psychologist in Vigevano Psychology Practice - Counseling, support and psychological support - Appointments in the office and online - Psychology of change Information My website: https://www.passionepsicologia.it Facebook page: / passionepsicologia.it Instagram profile: / passionepsicologia.it Contacts: https://www.passionepsicologia.it/ale... #psychology #psychologist #psychoanalysis #sigmundfreud #freud #psyche #mind #dissemination #science #history #culture #philosophy #lesson #biography #podcast #passionepsicologia #libido #freudian #method #psychoanalytic #narcissus #narcissism #introductiontonarcisism #objectlibido #libidodonarcisistica #firstworldwar, #coactiontorepeat #lifedrive #pleasureprinciple #deathdrive #Eros #Thanatos Freud explained well Freud explained easy