Sources used: Péter Gosztonyi: Budapest in Flames 1944–45. Móra Publishing House, Budapest, 1998 Krisztián Ungváry: Siege of Budapest, Corvina Publishing House, Budapest, 2001. Krisztián Ungváry: Heroes? The German Military Elite of the Battle of Budapest, Jaffa Publishing House, Budapest, 2019 Márton Ványai: The Losses of the Red Army Personnel During the 1945 Buda Breakout Attempt. In: Military History Publications, 2020/1. 157–172. https://tti.abtk.hu/images/kiadvanyok... http://epa.oszk.hu/00000/00003/00023/... Facebook: / azidoutazo Instagram: / idoutazo.yt TikTok: / idoutazo.yt Patreon: / idoutazo Become a Supporter: / @idoutazo Discord: / discord Supporters: Danoobian István Mag Viktor Bella Zoltán Petneházi Fatime Lieszkofszki Nóra Szikora lacoboy1 andras b. Dániel Berki Komjáti Jordán Lukács Ferenc Zsolt Kis Zoltan Hideg Our Partners: https://www.tortenelemutravalo.hu/