Sicilian stuffed swordfish rolls are one of the best second courses of fish you have ever tasted. The rolls are prepared in a short time and require a rather short cooking, better if express. They are quite light, but at the same time very nutritious. The ingredients needed to prepare the swordfish rolls are simple and always available, so they are the ideal second course to prepare on any occasion, excellent for a relatively simple lunch like the one of every day, but refined enough to be included in an important menu. In Sicily they are a cornerstone of traditional cuisine, and each city has its own recipe characterized by the presence or absence of certain ingredients or by the cooking method. The recipe I propose to you is the basic one, let's say, used a bit throughout the Sicilian territory, which includes a filling of stale bread flavored with capers, olives, parsley and a light grating of "ragusano" a typical Sicilian cheese produced with cow's milk, with an aromatic and sweet taste, which becomes slightly spicy when it is more mature. But we can replace it with well-matured grated parmesan. In the richer versions, where the influence of Arab cuisine is more marked, these delicious Sicilian swordfish rolls are enriched with pine nuts and sultanas and in some places even with orange juice. As for cooking, we can roast them directly on the griddle or on the grill and then season them candidly with a drizzle of oil, strictly extra virgin olive oil, or more simply we can bake them in the oven. In this case I recommend sprinkling them with a bit of the breadcrumbs used to stuff them, in order to create a nice golden crust. Cooking must be very quick, so as not to dry the rolls too much which would otherwise lose their succulence, and for this purpose it would be better to also use the grill mode. Baking in the oven is also very convenient, because it "saves" us from smoking the whole house, and we can do it a few minutes before serving the rolls, very useful especially if we have guests. The recipe for Sicilian swordfish rolls with photos, ingredients and many curiosities on http://www.speziata.it/ricetta/involt... Subscribe to the channel / @speziata Follow me also on: Website http://www.speziata.it Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spezia... Twitter / speziata_it Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1154673... Pinterest / speziata Instagram / speziata