Learn with teacher Enedina how to make a sianinha daisy on a towel! Write down the materials used: 1 needle 1 pencil 1 green thread Sianinha pebbles As you already know, Sacaria has all this and much more! ????TUCURUVI - Mazzei Avenue, 1,703 ☎(11) 2952-9799 ????LAPA - Albion Street, 236 ☎(11) 3832-6468 ????SANTANA - Dr. Cesar Street, 324 ☎(11) 2283-6753 ????GUARULHOS - Felício Marcondes Street, 218 ☎(11) 2409-5880 ????SANTO ANDRÉ - Monte Casseros Street, 257 ☎(11) 4427-8702