This Indonesian film released in 1970 tells the story of a small village that is safe and chaotic by a blind man named Mata Malaikat (Maruli Sitompul). Pakti Sakti (Alam Surawidjaja), Barda's father (Ratno Timoer), who is famous in the martial arts world, dies at the hands of Mata Malaikat. Barda seeks revenge, after various efforts to improve his knowledge. After revenge is avenged, it turns out that the matter is not over, because Sapu Jagat (Kusno Sudjarwadi) is still blocking. Sapu Jagat is not killed even though he has surrendered, and Marni (Sri Rejeki) has become Barda's wife. Barda wanders again. One of the most praised action or martial arts films. Don't forget to always Share, Comment and Subscribe.. There will be lots of new content from Rumah Film Indonesia #RumahFilmIndonesia