A private detective, who lives almost in poverty, discovers one day that he is being followed. After cornering his pursuer, he finds out that he is acting on the orders of an old partner with whom he ended up falling out. Shortly afterwards, he finds himself involved in a calculated murder plot. ___________________________________________________________________________ More information about the film at: https://tucineclasico.es/envuelto-en-la-so... ___________________________________________________________________________ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL NETWORKS: - TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TuCineClasico - FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Tucineclasic. - INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tucineclasi../ - PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.es/tucineclasic.... - PAYPAL: https://n9.cl/d7i6 All Classic Cinema online at http://www.online.tucineclasico.es/