In today's episode, actress Patrícia Kovács takes us around her bookshelf, which she has collected most of her reading material since her divorce, as she says she only came home from the relationship with one suitcase. Despite this, her book collection is diverse, from classic literature to psychology to books for teenagers. We talk about love, love poems, why a psychologist or psychological reading is sometimes important, but we also find out why Patrícia's little girl ties our entire existence to an Encyclopedia of Culture. Show me your bookshelf! is a show where I visit famous people to take a look at their bookshelves, talk to them about reading, memories of their books, and ask them to show me three books that are very important to them for some reason. Patrícia's featured books: Correspondence between Lőrinc Szabó and Erzsébet Vékesné Korzáti https://moly.hu/konyvek/szabo-lorinc-... Kata Tisza: The best place in town is you - Therapeutic poems https://www.libri.hu/konyv/tisza_kata... Francesca Cavallo - Elena Favilli: Evening stories for rebellious girls - stories of 100 special women https://www.libri.hu/konyv/francesca_... The second season is coming soon, in the meantime, watch the episodes of the first season! #showyourbookshelf #freedom #kovacspatricia