What scars did French colonization leave? What should France do to heal these ills? Should it apologize? This discussion includes Pascal Blanchard, historian, specialist in the "colonial fact" and immigration, associate researcher at CRHIM and co-director of the Achac Research Group on colonial and postcolonial representations, discourses and imaginaries, and Benjamin Stora, doctor in History and Sociology, former President of the National Museum of the History of Immigration. The Collège des Bernardins is a space of freedom that invites us to exchange perspectives to progress in understanding the world and building a future that respects humanity. A meeting hosted by Alexandre Wirth. Discover the news of the Collège des Bernardins on our website: https://www.collegedesbernardins.fr/ Chapters: 0:00 Why are we still talking about colonization? 4:50 The responsibility of the Republic 11:05 Individual responsibilities 14:05 State recognition of crimes 17:50 Indochina VS Algeria 23:12 Other colonial powers 26:48 Memory as a diplomatic instrument 37:35 Françafrique 39:00 Repentance as a political instrument Find our debates on all podcast platforms: https://smartlink.ausha.co/debat-des-...