Assalamualikum wr.wb friends, here we will present a video taken from a real life picture, hopefully all friends are entertained by this video, Keep supporting our channel by subscribing, liking, commenting, and sharing. Sorry if this video has similarities, this video is purely fiction and for entertainment, this video is in Madurese, greetings setretanan. Hopefully with this video you can be entertained, and can provide benefits for all of us. IG: Malikurohman https://instagram.com/malikurrohman_?... Hartono https://instagram.com/artonztledor1?i... Nofal https://instagram.com/nofal_maulana55... Arifin https://instagram.com/ipinarifin17?ig... Holil https://instagram.com/holel_05?igshid... Subscribe: / channel #pemudaalhikmah #filmmovie #filmmadura