Shopping Del Rey, known as the Pampulha shopping mall, located in Belo Horizonte, is one of the main shopping centers in the region. With a wide variety of stores, restaurants and entertainment, the mall offers a complete experience for visitors. Upon entering Shopping Del Rey, visitors are greeted by a modern and welcoming environment. The architectural design of the place is elegant and inviting, providing a pleasant atmosphere for strolling and shopping. Want to read more? Visit: https://narua4k.com.br/moda-gastronom... #shoppingdelrey #belohorizonte #shopping #narua #narua4k Subscribe to our channel: / @narua Visit our website: https://www.narua4k.com.br Follow us on social media: Instagram / narua4k TikTok / narua4k Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...