???? Let's SUPPORT our DAKWAH by CLICK SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, LIKE and SHARE to your friends, family and friends, so that our knowledge of ISLAM can broaden ???? "Oh God, give love to our master Prophet Muhammad and his family as you give love to us to our lord Prophet Ibrahim and his family. And bless our lord the prophet Muhammad and his family as you blessed our lord the prophet Ibrahim and his family among your creatures, verily You are Praiseworthy and Most Glorious." Sholawat Nabi is actually very closely related to the daily worship of Muslims. For example, when Muslims pray, there is a recitation of the Prophet's sholawat. One of the sholawats of the Prophet that is always read is the Ibrahimiyah sholawat that is read at the end of tashahhud in prayer. Both the obligatory five-time prayer and other sunnah prayers, every final Tashahhud must always read the Prophet's sholawat. Then what is the priority of people who always practice Ibrahimiyah sholawat? Imam Nawawi once said that Sholawat is called Ibrahimiyah sholawat because it is a perfect form of sholawat, the most important sholawat. This sholawat when practiced a lot creates a great influence when it is read every day in an istiqomah mainly for anyone who has a great desire to perform the pilgrimage to the holy land. The scholars suggest to increase the number of reading Ibrohimiyah's sholawat consistently. Another specialty of this sholawat is that it is a sholawat that was taught by the Prophet SAW directly, so it is highly recommended to continue to practice it.