This time we visited Stefan from Maßwerk - Historische Schuhe! Using archaeological finds, he reconstructs shoes for living history and re-enactment, placing emphasis on sustainably produced leather and cuts and manufacturing that are close to the original. You can find Maßwerk Historische Schuhe at: Page / Shop http://www.masswerk-schuhe.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Masswerk1... Instagram: / masswerk_historischeschuhe Many thanks to Jonathan Frey & Jeannine Frey-Gloor! They are the ones who created the fantastic music! Check them out at https://www.mittelalter-spielluet.ch/ Search tips on the subject of shoes:* Shoes and Pattens: Finds from Medieval Excavations in London https://amzn.to/2MDtrH6 Make your own medieval clothing - shoes from the High and Late Middle Ages https://amzn.to/2zc9sft *The links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you buy here via these links, I will receive a commission through the reference, but this will not incur ANY additional costs for you! You are supporting the channel! This will finance the web space for the podcast, for example. Thank you :) Imprint: Dominik Huber Photo & Video http://cinematic-by-huber.de/?page_id...