In 1960, Toho film "Those Who Live at the Edge of the Earth" was shot in Rausu on the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido. The film was based on the novel "Okhotsk Old Man" by Yukio Togawa, and starred Moritsugu Hisaya. During the shoot, Moritsugu Hisaya sang a song called "Okhotsk Boat Song" to his friends. The song was based on a song that had been sung by Shiretoko residents for a long time, and the lyrics expressed the joy of the arrival of spring and the longing for Kunashiri after the harsh winter in Shiretoko. On the last day of the shoot, Moritsugu Hisaya performed a song called "Farewell Rausu" for the people of Rausu who had gathered. The song was based on the melody of "Okhotsk Boat Song" and the lyrics that are now sung as "Shiretoko Journey". Later, Tokiko Kato sang it, and "Shiretoko Journey" became more popular. Still, when you look at Kunashiri Island from Rausu, you can't help but feel sad, thinking, "It's already a foreign country!"