"Towako Mameda and her three ex-husbands" is a drama about Towako Mameda, who has been divorced three times in her life, struggling to find happiness while being tossed around by her three ex-husbands. In this drama, her third ex-husband, Masaki Okada (Masaki Okada), who appears many times, visits Towako's house for the first time in a long time after her divorce. Masaki is shocked to find out that the sofa that holds memories for the two of them has been disposed of, and is in a very troublesome mode with regrets, but am I the only one who thinks it's cute? Towako Mameda and her three ex-husbandshttps://www.netflix.com/title/81444722 Currently streaming on Netflix *Streaming may end without notice. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2S1vSXh Netflix official social media: ➡️TWITTER: / netflixjp ➡️ANIME TWITTER: / netflixjp_anime ➡️INSTAGRAM: / netflixjp ➡️FACEBOOK: / netflixjp