Do it yourself decoration spending little by reusing materials from trash to luxury. Leave your like to help me spread the word about the video ❤️, share it with friends and family who like reusing, decoration and crafts. Discount Coupon: TATI5 https://www.escutaoveio.com/ •on this site you will find paints, primer, brushes and accessories for the crafts that I use. •the coupon gives a 5% discount at the end of the purchase, as long as the item is not already at a promotional price. This is the link to the lampshades I mentioned in the video: https://decormanual.com/loja/20370/ In this playlist you will find all the ideas from the video in a more explanatory way: • Transformed Furniture follow me on social media❤️: Insta: tatidecor.a Facebook Page: Tati Decora Crafts ideas with pallets Tati Decora idea with idea with jar idea with glass bottles DIY do it yourself beautiful ideas Decoration with recycled material easy crafts brilliant ideas brilliant ideas with cardboard ideas with pallets ideas with milk cartons crafts ideas with wood ideas to decorate your room ideas with fair crates ideas to decorate the bathroom DO IT YOURSELF recycling crafts decoration DIY dumpster diving creativity IDEAS Bedroom decoration ideas idea with cardboard ideas with old drawers ideas with wardrobe drawers ideas with pallet Idea with egg carton glass bottle ideas with crate ideas to decorate with drawers manualidades con cajones de madera DIY CRAFTS ideas for decorating