TO STAY UPDATED ON ALL THE NEWS FROM ABC TALK, SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER: https://bit.ly/abctalk-news Fabienne Raoul worked for fifteen years in the field of French nuclear engineering. Transformative spiritual experiences (including a near-death experience) led her to reorient herself towards human support (sophrology, energy). Fascinated by the links between the sensitive world and the invisible (particularly on the themes of water and consciousness), she regularly collaborates with researchers and academics and shares her research through conferences and books. Find Fabienne on her website and social networks: https://www.fabienne-raoul.fr/ / fabienne_raoul https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... ???? FIND ABC TALK ON SOCIAL MEDIA ???? Instagram: / abctalktv ???? Facebook: / abctalk ???? Our website to see all the shows and conferences: https://www.abctalk.fr/