Use the coupon code gaby200 to get R$200.00 off on EBAC courses: https://ebac.me/a06b46 In the fifth and final episode of the first season of #GabyNaSuaCasa in Rio de Janeiro, we have the much-requested tour of Casa de Bamba. Ma shares with us the incredible story of herself, her husband, her 4 children and their pets. The family lives in a house with 130m² of living space plus 130m2 of an incredible slab. The home is divided into a living room, kitchen, master bedroom which is a suite and a bathroom that is used by the 4 children, who share 2 bedrooms, 1 for the older girls and 1 for the younger boys. In addition, of course, there is a super slab that has a toilet, a laundry room with plenty of space and a really cool outdoor area with a full kitchen, barbecue, dining table, TV and living area and even a shower for those hot days in Rio. FOLLOW CASA DE BAMBA ON INSTA: / casadebamba101 Blog post: https://bit.ly/3R4m4Jk Link to our secondary channel - Sem roteiro - / semroteirocomgabygarciia 💌 To talk to me: [email protected] 💼 For partnerships and proposals: [email protected] 📸 Instagram: @gabygarciia / gabygarciia #gabynasuacasa #tourpelacasa #decoração