In the series 'The Untold Scars Stories' young people tell the story behind their visible or invisible scar. In this episode Sharina (21) talks about the scar she was left with after hearing the diagnosis of Lymphatic Cancer. As a young mother of a son, this shook her world. But how does she survive despite the diagnosis? She tells this in the episode. Do you also want to share your story with us? Contact us. Edit Henrik van de Pol https://hvdp.art/ Big thanks to Ik Ben Favoriet https://www.ikbengeweldig.nl #untoldscarsstories #borntotalk About Born to talk My name is Merveille Tandu-Pedro. Through this channel I want to share my passion for (other people's) stories with you and offer them a platform there. Concepts such as 'The Untold Scar Stories' or a chit chat with inspiring young people are an example of this. Does this appeal to you? Then subscribe to the channel! / merveillexo Also follow us on: Instagram 'Born to talk' - https://instagram.com/borntotalk_?igs... Contact: [email protected]