The video shows and explains the most important functions of SharePoint document libraries: folders or metadata, versioning, synchronization, views, external sharing and joint file editing (co-authoring). Folders and metadata: This is about structuring the content in order to quickly find files and documents. Among other things, through keywording. Versioning: This function shows who created or changed which files and what was changed. Views: Are used for the user-specific display of the content and contain filter or grouping functions. External sharing: Enables access to files for other, including external, editors. Replaces sending attachments by email. Co-authoring: With this function, up to 25 users can work on a document at the same time. Synchronization: This makes it possible to replicate the contents of a library to a local device and open it from there offline. 00:00 Intro 00:35 Folders or metadata? 08:49 User-specific views 13:23 Local synchronization 17:55 External file sharing 22:54 Collaborative file editing 26:14 File versioning 30:40 Conclusion & recommendation 32:14 SharePoint video recommendations