In 1989, the film "Shaolin Temple" and its sequel "Martial Arts of Shaolin" were shown in 15-minute segments on Soviet television in the TV almanac "Around the World" (a supplement to the program "Travelers' Club"). The film became a cult classic among young people and served to greatly increase interest in martial arts in the USSR. The events of the film take place in the 7th century BC in China. Tang Li Shimin, the second emperor of the new dynasty, was treacherously betrayed by one of his own generals, who then proclaimed himself emperor of the Eastern capital. The general kills one of the slaves, whose son, a young man named Ji Yuan, manages to escape and find refuge with the monks of the Shaolin Temple. Ji Yuan, under the guidance of wise monks, begins to study martial arts in order to soon take revenge on his father's killer. And he manages to do this with the help of the monks. The brave young man fights the general's troops and after some time Ji Yuan and the monks manage to win this battle and return power to the rightful emperor, who generously rewarded his saviors.