The 1st chakra (root chakra) It constitutes the energetic foundation of the body and mind. Percussions and low, very low sounds correspond to it. We find in old engravings the Moon attached to this energetic point. The 2nd chakra (sacral chakra region of the lower back) is associated with creative instincts and pleasant impulses. It corresponds to medium-low tones (piano, organ, water sounds, etc.) and to Mercury. The 3rd chakra (solar chakra solar plexus) has a transformative power and allows you to work on emotions with instruments made of strings as well as the harp, cello, violin, etc.). Venus, the planet of emotions, is of course connected to it. The 4th chakra (heart chakra) is the energetic center of the subtle body, the link between the physical and the spiritual. Warm and round sounds (guitar, violins, cellos, birdsong, etc.) are particularly concerned. At the center of the body, it is attached to the Sun, source of vitality and life. The 5th chakra (throat chakra) is the communication center of the subtle body. Ethereal voices, flutes and aerial sounds are in resonance with it as well as the planet Mars. The 6th chakra (frontal chakra) corresponds to the third eye. We will use crystalline sounds, flutes, bells and aerial music to activate it. Jupiter, general significator of spirituality, is attached to this chakra. The 7th chakra (crown chakra) is the seat of absolute knowledge. Subtle and soft sounds mixed with angelic voices are attached to it. This music guides us towards silence and towards Saturn. This star is located at the limit of the visible and invisible world, since it is the last planet that can be seen with the naked eye. Saturn is attached to clairvoyance. shamanic courses, introduction to shamanism, advanced shamanism courses, near Avignon in Vaucluse 84, Nîmes in Gard 30, near Lyon in Rhône 69, between Vienne and Grenoble in Isère 38, near Montpellier in Hérault 34 www.pourterrenature.com