Summer 1940. The world's leading army collapses in a matter of weeks under the Blitzkrieg hurricane. Stunned, the French entrust an old marshal crowned with glory with the task of leading them and saving what can be saved. The vast majority acquiesces and accepts, in silence, the defeatism of the victor of Verdun. All of society passively suffers its fate. The Reich will beat England and reign over Europe: it is necessary to bow to this iron law, the realists proclaim. But a handful of idealists reject this inevitability. Coming from all backgrounds, outside of any party, they determine for themselves, following the voice of their conscience. From this diversity emerges various forms of refusal, struggle and combat. Over time, it forms what is called the Resistance. Documentary: Resistance(s), Heroes of the First Hour Director: Laurent Jaoui Production: Nilaya Productions #documentary #documentaryhistory #incredible #life #history #humansciences #doc #docu #2gm #war #world #worldwar #occupation #resistance #resistant #courage #france #liberation #germany #combat #resistants #ffl #ffi