NR-6 provides guidance on the supply, use, storage, conservation, employee and employer duties, among other actions related to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). First of all, let's look at what the standard itself considers as PPE, in its first item, 6.1: “(...) Personal Protective Equipment is considered to be any device or product, for individual use by the worker, intended to protect against risks that may threaten safety and health at work”. It is easy to understand the definition if we consider that PPE protects a single employee at a time. Even if it is for collective use. Hold on, let's open a quick parenthesis here so as not to confuse the middle ground. (COLLECTIVE USE is not the same as COLLECTIVE PROTECTION. For example, many companies purchase fewer parachute belts than employees, since not everyone uses this PPE at the same time. Therefore, in some companies, the belt is a PPE for COLLECTIVE USE, since it is used by more than one person, but obviously not at the same time.) Check out the video ;) website http://www.sstonline.com.br/ #NR06 #EPI #SSTOnline