⭐️ ACCESS NOW! And check out all the available courses ???? https://keepo.io/vivianeprates Today's class is about sewing the flared skirt that we learned how to model in the last class. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments!! Fabric used: Twill (other options: crepe madame, piquet, knit crepe, tricoline, velvet, satin, oxford, jeans, etc.) I used 0.80cm, but I recommend using 1.00m to 1.20m because mine was too big. ______________________________________ Follow me on Instagram too: @vivianeprates_costura Flared Skirt Pattern Link: • Flared Skirt Pattern with Pocket + Buttons... Skirt Base Link: • Step by Step Skirt Pattern Base, Des... Video Link on How to Take Your Measurements: • Taking your body measurements has never been... #flaredskirt #pocketskirt #vivianeprates