Today we are going to talk about seven secrets of Jesus, addressing relevant topics about how Jesus worked and the reasons why he attracted so many people and caused fascination and controversy. The purpose here is not to introduce Jesus, but to understand a little more about how he existed and what his attitudes were. This study is important for us to better understand who Jesus was and to understand that his secrets were not what we normally understand as secrets. The secrets of Christ were not worldly, but rather teachings that were plain to see, as long as there was a will to see them. To do this, we will use passages from the Bible such as Matthew 20, Mark 10, and several other passages. In short, Jesus' secrets were: Leadership, Authenticity, Different teaching, Reached all types of people, Dedicated himself to a small group, Seeked conflict/love, Regained followers. To better understand how each of these things was a secret of Jesus, watch the full video. To see more about religious studies, learn more about the gospels, the books of the bible and better understand what the gospels, the books of the bible mean and what message they seek to convey, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell!