Folk Songs are Life, Stay with Folk Songs!.. Atatürk is Turkey, Stay with Atatürk!.. Folk Song Hearted, The Meeting Point of Folk Song Hearts... / turkuluyurek. . / türkülüyüre. . / türkübey https://turkuluyurekleryy.blogspot.com/ https://yildirimalkan.com https://turkubey.com.tr * #NeverSayI'MGreatAsMountains * Don't say I'm great like mountains There will come a time when snow will surround you Don't be sad because winter comes and summer doesn't There is a spring at the end of every winter. Heaven and earth .... * A mountain is the one that has snow on it A nightingale is the one that has dice in its song A friend is the one who is a friend in difficult times Even the enemy becomes a friend in good times. Heavens and heavens... * Reyhani Do good and it will remain an epic They will give you the soil from above in one day Your existence is a shroud Your home is a cemetery Your two stones on duty become a grave Heavens and heavens.... * #AşıkReyhani *