This Sunday, Boa Sorte Viajante aired the fifth episode of the international series recorded in Portugal. In particular, this time our destination will be the city of Setúbal, located in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, just 50 km from the capital.????❤ The city is home to just over 90 thousand inhabitants, on the seafront with centuries of history, where tradition goes hand in hand with innovation. With so much to see here, how about strolling through a typical Portuguese market and tasting the best seafood? You will discover the city's Historic Center, which holds a little piece of Setúbal's memory in each of its alleys and facades. For example, the Porta de São Sebastião, a vestige of the medieval period, and the Igreja Matriz de Santa Maria da Graça, originally founded in the 13th century. Another attraction that does not go unnoticed is the Convent of Jesus, which constitutes an important architectural heritage from the end of the 15th century. One of the busiest spots on Avenida Luísa Todi is the traditional Mercado do Livramento, the city's main market, in operation for almost 150 years. The place was once considered one of the best fish markets in the world. But the stage for our next tour is the iconic Mercado da Conceição, which in addition to the usual vegetable and fish stalls, also features bars and restaurants and a popular cultural agenda. 9 km from the city is the Moinho de Maré da Mourisca, built more than 400 years ago and which today houses an ecomuseum that promotes environmental education and the preservation of this cultural heritage. #Setubal #Portugal #Setúbal ===================== Open your NOMAD global account now, accepted in more than 180 countries, with the lowest exchange rate on the market and quotations in commercial dollars. Use COUPON: BOASORTE20 and earn up to US$20 cashback on your first exchange trade. https://www.nomadglobal.com/ #Setubal #Portugal #Lisboa ===================== WHO IS MATHEUS BOA LORTE? I am passionate about the cultural traditions of the Brazilian Northeast. To be more specific, the sertão, which I argue is much more than a corner of Brazil that doesn't rain much. For me, sertão is a feeling, a state of mind, of someone who carries within them Smile, Faith, Persistence, Courage and a little bit of malice. I am an advertiser by academic training, and I pay my bills through art. I'm a singer, songwriter, writer, speaker, educator, actor, TV presenter, radio host... A lot, right? But I summarize all of this in just one job: I AM A STORYTELLER. Find out more about my work by accessing my website, following me on social media, and subscribing here on YouTube. ===================== Follow my daily life on Instagram: / matheusboasorte (@matheusboasorte) I'm also on Facebook: / matheusboasorte And to listen to my songs, come with me for Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3cz8SGH My Telegram Channel, where you receive exclusive content: https://t.me/matheusboasorte ================= = === Commercial Contacts: Shows, lectures, campaigns, and so on: [email protected] www.matheusboasorte.com.br ATTENTION: All image rights for this work are reserved to the YouTube channel - Boa Sorte Viajante . Any type of reproduction and use of images is prohibited and protected by LAW No. 9,610, OF FEBRUARY 19, 1998. Downloading the work and subsequent dissemination of this download will result in sanctions for offenders.